
Some libraries, with which I am familiar and have used them in some project.


  • Bootstrap; HTML/CSS/ JS library for prototyping and creating GUI for websites or online applications
  • Sass; preprocessor for CSS that makes it easier and faster to work with stylesheets
  • Font Awesome; vector icon sets
  • Google fonts; custom fonts designed for websites


  • AdminLTE; dashboard and theme for administration panels
  • ColorAdmin; dashboard and theme for administration panels
  • Easy Admin 3; creating administration panels for Symfony-based applications


  • Symfony (versions: 3,4,5); PHP framework designed for creating websites and web applications
  • Sylius (versions: 1.7); eCommerce platform
  • Api Platform (versions: 2.5); a set of tools for creating and using web APIs

PHP and interesting components for Symfony

  • mpdf/mpdf; PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML
  • kreait/firebase-bundle; sending notifications to mobile devices (Android, iOS)
  • sngrl/php-firebase-cloud-messaging; PHP API for Firebase Cloud Messaging from Google
  • nelmio/api-doc-bundle; generates documentation for your REST API from annotations
  • league/fractal; handle the output of complex data structures ready for API output
  • knplabs/knp-menu-bundle; this bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library with Symfony
  • knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle; bundle for Symfony to automate pagination and simplify sorting
  • liip/imagine-bundle; this bundle provides an image manipulation toolkit for Symfony
  • oneup/uploader-bundle; this Symfony package is useful for handling server side file upload
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle; HTTP client library
  • facebook/graph-sdk; Facebook SDK for PHP


  • Vue.js; framework for JavaScript
  • Quasar; framework and a set of components based on Vue.js
  • Axios; HTTP client
  • CKEditor; WYSIWYG editor written in JavaScript, enabling the creation of texts on websites or in online applications
  • Jquery; library that simplifies work with HTML and JavaScript
  • Jquery File Upload; widget for easy file transfer
  • Select2; replacement for the standard select (HTML tag)
  • Bootstrap Datepicker, Timepicker, Select; libraries, thanks to which the user can select the date or time more easily in web applications