
A set of tools, that I know and which I use and have used in my work as a programmer.


  • PhpStorm IDE; development environment
  • Visual Studio Code; programming editor


  • Composer; dependency manager for PHP
  • Yarn; dependency manager for node.js (JavaScript)
  • Git; version control system
  • Webpack, Webpack Encore; resource management tool for frontend
  • Gulp.js; task automation tool
  • GNU Make; automation tool


  • Postman; API testing tool
  • DBeaver; cross-platform and universal database management tool
  • Docker; container management tool (lightweight virtual machines)
  • Docker Compose; management of container sets


  • Terminal, Tilix; command line tools
  • Zsh, Oh My Zsh, Powerlevel10k; a Unix shell with some useful tools and templates


  • Firefox, Chrome; internet browsers
  • Thunderbird; email client
  • FileZilla; FTP client
  • Telegram; internet messenger
  • Redmine; project management tool
  • Kubuntu; Linux distribution based on KDE and the Ubuntu operating system